VEO submits the 12th report on mutations and variation in publicly shared SARS-CoV-2 raw sequencing data.
In its 12th report to the European Commission, VEO Consortium members summarize mobilisation and analysis of SARS-CoV-2 sequence data submitted to the European COVID-19 Data Portal in the context of the VEO project, which aims to develop tools and data analytics for pandemic and outbreak preparedness.
- Update on mobilisation of raw reads, now totaling sequencing data sets from 4,844,657 viral raw read sets from 94 countries, a 14.5% increase since the previous report.
- The variant nomenclature has not been updated in this version of the report as we are currently going through an update of the underlying CoVEO database to increase the throughput and reduce computing time. This was necessary in view of the unprecedented expansion of the sequence data submitted to the public domain. We expect to share updated VOI and VOC information in the next VEO COVID-19 Variants Report.
- The Pangolin lineage workflow integration has been extended to enable for processing and tagging of Pango lineages for consensus sequences generated.