VEO Organization. Graphic: VEO Project

Project Organization

The Coordinator of VEO is Prof. Koopmans. As such, she is responsible for chairing the Partner Assembly and Executive Board meetings, the timely submission of the formal progress reporting to the European Commission, the timely distribution of the payments based on the EC contribution to the Beneficiaries, and acting as the single point of contact between VEO and the European Commission for all formal communications. Prof. Frank Aarestrup of DTU will act as the co-Chair for the Partner Assembly and Executive Board meetings.

The Partner Assembly (PA), all Beneficiaries in VEO, functions as the project Supervisory Board, overseeing the functioning of the Executive Board, and acting as the plenary body for discussing and deciding upon major project level issues that may affect one or more Beneficiaries and or may entail major changes to the project and or the consortium.

The Executive Board (EB), Coordinator, WP leads and WP co-leads, is the central management team of VEO, responsible for monitoring the scientific quality of the activities in VEO, its progress towards achieving its objectives, milestones and deliverables, the alignment of the activities and planning across the Work Packages and the efficient use of the project’s budget.

VEO will have an independent external Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) who will be consulted on a regular and ad-hoc basis by the EB and/or the PA. The SAB members do not have any decision authority in VEO, but advise the EB and/or the PA on any issues where VEO seeks additional external expert opinions and feedback.

Next to the SAB, VEO will install a User Stakeholder Panel (USP). Whereas the SAB includes independent experts to provide scientific advice and feedback to VEO, the USP has representatives of key stakeholder organisations that have an interest in the activities and outputs of VEO. Like the SAB, the USP does not have any decision-making authority in VEO, but rather is the formal link between VEO and its targeted direct and indirect users of the VEO system.