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VEO releases videos highlighting the use-case scenarios

Tuesday 15 Oct 24


Marion Koopmans
Coordinator of VEO
Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam
VEO Visualized is a collection of five videos that highlight the use-case scenarios of VEO: Vectorborne, Zoonotic, Climate change, Silent epidemics, and Disease X.

The VEO project, versatile emerging infectious disease observatory: Forecasting, nowcasting and tracking in a changing world, has five scenario-based work packages. The videos introduce the following five scenarios that reflect the main pathways of disease emergence:

Each video begins with a general introduction of the VEO project by the Coordinator, Prof. Marion Koopmans, Head of Department of Viroscience, Erasmus MC, the Netherlands. Then the Work Package Leader of each of the scenarios presents the scenario. Additional researchers are interviewed to provide context and to share insight into how VEO is tackling the research questions. 

The video interviews were initiated in June 2023 during the VEO Annual Symposium, and the additional interviews and production followed through the summer of 2024.

A compilation of all five videos is also available.

These videos are a snapshot in time of the research in the VEO project. The project and its work continues but will conclude at the end of 2025.

VEO's vision is to establish a versatile emerging infectious diseases forecasting, nowcasting, and tracking system that serves as an interactive virtual observatory for the generation and distribution of high-quality actionable information for evidence-based early warning, risk assessment and monitoring of emerging infectious disease (EID) threats by public health actors and researchers in the One Health domain.

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