Pathogens Portal

Upcoming Webinar entitled The Pathogens Portal - A gateway to vast biomolecular data for pathogen research

Friday 02 Feb 24


Jeffrey Edward Skiby
Senior Academic Officer
DTU National Food Institute
+45 35 88 66 04
EMBL-EBI will host a webinar on the Pathogens Portal on 27 March 2024.

The COVID-19 pandemic starkly illuminated the crucial role of open biodata in combating infectious diseases. EMBL-EBI, recognising this significance, swiftly launched the COVID-19 Data Portal, a centralised repository for SARS-CoV-2-related biomolecular data. Building upon this success, the Pathogens Portal emerges as the "spiritual" successor, expanding its scope to encompass a broader spectrum of pathogens.

This webinar introduces the Pathogens Portal to users, demonstrating the why and how it exists, how we decide what pathogens are included as well as a tour of the features in the portal.

This webinar is suitable for anyone interested in exploring pathogens and microbial ecosystem. No prior knowledge of bioinformatics is required, but undergraduate level knowledge of biology would be useful.

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