VEO Work Packages

The Work Package (WP) teams are responsible at the operational level to execute the WP tasks according to timelines, scientific quality and budgets agreed. Each WP is led by a WP leader, who is responsible for coordinating the WP tasks over the research groups and monitoring and reporting progress towards the WP objectives, deliverables and milestones.

 WP    Title Lead,
Co-lead Organization
WP 01 VEO Data Platform  EMBL, DTU
WP 02 VEO Analytical Platform: Advanced datamining tools ELTE, UNIBO 
WP 03 Novel Phenotyping Tools and Workflows  EMC, DTU 
WP 04 Novel Host-Exposure Assessment Tools and Workflows  EMC, FLI
WP 05  Mosquito-borne Disease Use case Scenario  CSIC, UNIPD 
WP 06 Zoonotic Wildlife Use Case Scenario  FLI, AUTH 
WP 07 The Changing Cryosphere - Climate Use case Scenario  UCPH, DTU
WP 08 Understanding Silent Epidemics Use Case Scenario  DTU, RIVM 
WP 09 Disease X Use Case Scenario  DEFRA, EMC
WP 10 Ethical, Legal and Societal Implication  RIVM, CSIC
WP 11 Scoping Workshops and User Consultations  EMC, DEFRA
WP 12 Communication and Dissemination  DTU, EMC 
WP 13 Consortium Management  EMC, DTU 
WP 14 Ethics  EMC 
WP 15 COVID-19 Response EMBL, EMC
18 JANUARY 2025