
VEO will share information from meetings via meeting reports.

VEO Symposium 2022
The VEO Symposium 2022 was held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 17-18 May 2022. Approximately 110 people participated in the Symposium. This was the first in-person meeting of the VEO Consortium. The meeting brought together the Principle Investigators, WP Leaders and Co-leaders, participants, as well as stakeholders, EC Officer and other guests, such as representatives from other relevant research projects.

The VEO Symposium 2022 Report is now available

Kick-off Meeting 2020
VEO held its Kick-off Meeting on 04-05 June 2020. This online meeting brought together the Principle Investigators, WP Leaders and Co-leaders, participants, as well as stakeholders, EC Officers and other guests, such representatives from other relevant research projects. The first day, 04 June 2020, was dedicated to the VEO COVID-19 Response. Many tasks in VEO relate to data gathering, sharing and analysis surrounding a pandemic such as COVID-19. The second day, 05 June 2020, focused on progress reports from the other WPs in the project.  

The Kick-off Meeting Report is now available.

Please see the recorded presentations from the first day, 04 June 2020, VEO COVID-19 Response below.


Marion Koopmans (EMC), Welcome 00:32
Marcel Salathé (EPFL), Digital epi and COVID 16:35
Daniel Remondini (UNIBO), Network analysis of social media data 29:55
Luisa Barzon (UNIPD), The COVID epidemic in northern Italy 51:39
Simon Cauchemez (IP),Estimating epidemic size and trajectories: the challenges 01:29:15
Bas Oude Munnink (EMC),Precision public health, real-time sequencing
to track and support public health investigations
Sam Lycett (UEDIN), Phylodynamics in the era of sequence data explosion 01:47:52
Martin Beer (FLI), Host range of SARS-CoV-19 02:01:32
Bart Haagmans (EMC), Animal models of disease and transmission NA
Guy Cochrane (EMBL), The COVID-19 data hub

27 OCTOBER 2024