Work Package 08

Understanding Silent Epidemics Use Case Scenario


This WP is aimed at Project objective 6 - To test and evaluate the VEO system in a silent epidemics use case scenario and define key user requirements for VEO functionalities. The aim is to understand the full burden of ‘silent epidemics’. This approach will be validated using two key challenges: i) emergence and circulation of AMR determinants; ii) emergence of circulation of widespread common pathogens. Specific questions that this use-case scenario will address are:

1) Can the temporal dynamics of silent epidemic agents be predicted by sewage surveillance?
2) Can sewage metagenomic surveillance be used to elucidate the burden of silent epidemics?
3) Can transmission networks and pathogen phylogeny be reconstructed from metagenomic sewage surveillance?

WP 08 will provide data for WP 01 and use the integration and methods of WP 02 for analyses. The WP will provide both data and samples for WP 03 for identification of phenotypic traits based on the NGS data of WP 08.